10 Tips to Help You Plan for an Amazing 2024

10 Tips to Help You Plan for an Amazing 2024

2024 is just around the corner; it's time to set the stage for a year full of big rewards, personal growth, and accomplishments. While it may seem overwhelming, start with simple reflection, thoughtful planning, and gradual changes. To help you on this exciting journey, we've compiled ten tips to guide you toward making 2024 your best year yet!! 

Tip #1 - Be Still and Reflect

Ignoring this critical step could mean missing out on ways to improve your life. According to Psychology Today, men have difficulty with self-reflection, as they are generally wired to look more to taking action, making plans, and valuing facts over feelings. Take some time to think about the good and the bad from your last year and ponder what can be done differently to strive toward the results you want going forward.

Try this: Write down your answers to some basic questions like:

  • What was my most significant accomplishment?
  • What am I most grateful for?
  • What challenges did I overcome? 
  • What skills did I gain?
  • What was my favorite moment or biggest mistake?

Tip #2 - Commit to Personal Goals 

Set small goals and write them down. Figure out how to measure your success, reward yourself for small victories, and get back on track if you veer off course.

Try this: Want to work on public speaking? Challenge yourself to smaller opportunities first, like speaking up more in group meetings. Keep a tally in a notebook to track how often you do it.

Tip #3 - Decide What Self-Care Means to You This Year

If getting fit is the same old goal you can’t quite achieve, find a way to be more accountable. 

Try this: Instead of a gym membership, sign up for workouts that cost money per class and charge cancellation fees if you miss. You can also find a workout buddy. Meeting someone for that early run or that after-work gym session will ensure you show up.

Streamline your self-care with products and tools that are easy to use, get results, and will help you look and feel your best.

Try this: Ditch the old rusty razors and get the MicroTouch Titanium Rover. It’s a wet/dry electric shaver that goes anywhere and makes shaving easy. It takes on tough terrain and shaves the contours of the face to the neck with no nicks or cuts -  a self-care upgrade for sure!

Tip #4 - Use Your Time Wisely

Create a schedule for your day. It’s easy to scroll away hours at a time if you aren’t accountable to a plan.

Try this: Calendar blocking is a good option if you aim to be more productive. This time management technique is scheduling your day and week in blocks. It will ensure you get everything done but still have flexibility if you don’t like being held to an hour-by-hour schedule.

Tip #5 - Build a Support System 

Mentors are amazing in life. Reach out to people who have succeeded in something you admire. 

Try this: Can’t seem to fix anything around the house? Ask your handy neighbor to walk you through some of your projects. People love to be needed, and drawing closer to people you admire is a natural way to create a support system.



Tip #6 - Plan a Trip

A study in the Journal Applied Research in Quality of Life showed that the most significant boost in happiness comes from planning a vacation, which can make you feel happier than actually going on a trip.  The study found that the anticipation of the trip boosted happiness for eight weeks!  

Try this: Have your summer travel planned by February this year. You’ll have months to look forward to it.

Tip #7 - Get Money Smart

Be more accountable for your money. If making more money isn’t on the horizon, discover ways to stretch what you have.

Try this: Plan your weekly meals to cut down on grocery bills. Cut out things that can be done at home - like that weekly trip to the barber for a clean, close head shave. Save money and get an easy, excellent, close shave at home with the MicroTouch Titanium Head Shaver. It provides a closer, more comfortable shave with no nicks, cuts, or bumps. The easy grip design allows for perfect control.

Tip #8 - Find Your Hobby

Hobbies help to reduce stress, foster social connections, reduce boredom, increase confidence, and are essential to a well-rounded life; they bring happiness and a sense of purpose to our lives. 

Try this: Consider what you enjoyed doing as a kid. Sign up for classes and try lots of new things. Take an online quiz to help.

Tip #9 - Volunteer

The benefits of volunteering are tremendous.  It’s not only good for the people that you are helping but also for you. According to a new study in the Journal of Happiness, volunteers feel mentally and physically healthier. Volunteering builds connections, builds self-esteem, and brings greater happiness into the lives of volunteers. 

Try this: Consider your skills and how they might help others, and look online for local charities you can support.  Look at people around you. Maybe your elderly neighbor or an overwhelmed friend needs you the most.

Tip #10 - Enjoy the ride

Don’t get overwhelmed with everything you think you “should” be doing. 

Try this: Focus on small changes every day. Build habits that get you to your goals, slow and steady.

MicroTouch wishes you a very Happy 2024! May it be your best year yet!

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