Spring Cleaning: Now’s the Time to Clean Up Your Look, Your Technology, and Your Routine

Now’s the Time to Clean Up Your Look

Spring is a great time to make a few changes that will help streamline your lifestyle. It's the perfect season to shed some of the baggage and bad habits that might have crept up on you during the winter months. We picked three areas in your life that can benefit from spring cleaning and simple tips to get you started!

1. Spring Clean Your Look

If you are guilty of wearing that favorite sweatshirt a little too long, or maybe your fraternity tee-shirt into your late 20s… It’s time to take a serious look at your wardrobe and determine what needs to stay and what needs to go. The sayings “ dress for success” and “look good, feel good” are true. This doesn’t have to mean buying expensive clothes; focus on being true to your style and presenting yourself well.

It’s not just about your clothes. Rock whatever hairstyle makes you feel good, but make sure you look tidy and clean (aka no stray hairs where they don’t belong!). Check-in with how you carry yourself—is your posture slumpy or upright? Catch yourself in the mirror, and ensure you exude confidence!

Tips to Clean up Your Look:

  • Revise your closet. The best way is to take everything out of it first. Before putting anything back in, discard old, misshapen, discolored items. Give away what you haven’t worn for a year. Keep items that make you feel confident and happy. Then, invest in a few key wardrobe pieces. Dressing better isn't about chasing trends but wearing clothes that resonate with your personality and make you feel confident and happy. It can positively impact your mental health and overall mood. A study from Northwestern University showed that wearing certain clothes has a tangible effect on the wearer's psychology and performance.
  • Take stock of your “hair care” - do you have unruly brows or nose hair peeking out? It’s time to step up your grooming. Have the MicroTouch Precision Personal Groomer on hand. It’s a micro-precision trimmer with an ultra-thin trimmer with perfectly-angled, side-mounted blades that can go where regular clippers can’t, with no nicks, cuts, or irritation.


2. Spring Clean Your Technology

There are many reasons to clean up your computer, phone, and more. For one, you’ll get better performance from all technology when eliminating unnecessary data that slows down performance. Like anything in your life, you will feel more productive once you free up space and organize. And don’t forget security—unused applications, old files, and outdated software can pose security risks. Clean-up reduces these risks by lessening the chance of hackers exploiting vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to your system.

Tips to Clean up Your Technology:

  • Start with the phone: Uninstall unnecessary apps that take up space, review old messages in your email, and purge! Also, delete outdated text messages. Lastly, go through your camera roll and delete duplicates.
  • For your computer: Most people need help with folder organization. Consider creating a clear filing structure based on your needs— by client, date, or month. Use descriptive names and delete or archive files you no longer need. Then, ensure you have a good backup—a cloud backup like Google or an offsite backup. Logging in will feel much better once you get your docs in order!
  • Pay attention to passwords. Look through your computer bookmarks and review sites where you store passwords. Delete any that you don’t use. When less information is out on the internet, there is less for hackers to potentially access.

    3. Spring Clean your Routine

    A good morning and evening routine leads to more productivity, less stress, and better days overall! Work on phasing out what is not working for you, like staying up too late and pushing the snooze button in the morning or skipping the gym and grabbing takeout.

    Tips to Clean up Your Routine:

    • Commit to a bedtime, and stick to it. Set a sleep reminder on your phone. Have definite cut-off times for the screen, eating, and drinking for 1-2 hours before bedtime to cue your body to settle into sleep mode. Spend some time prepping meals and laundry. Find a relaxation technique to prepare for bed, like reading a book or gently stretching.
    • Streamline your morning routine. Just getting up 15 minutes early in the morning will help you move at a more relaxed pace and get you out the door with less stress - setting your day up for success! Try challenging yourself not to pick up the phone to see the latest news but instead find a news podcast you can listen to while you get ready.
    • Cut off crucial self-care minutes in the morning with the easy-to-use MicroTouch Titanium Trim. It’s a body groomer and haircutting tool that clears the neck, back, and body with zero burn or irritation. The extendable handle allows it to get hard-to-reach areas, and best of all - no dull razors, knicks, and cuts!

    Embrace spring as a time for change. With a few tweaks, you can streamline and spring-clean your life—MicroTouch can help!

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